Monday, April 16, 2012

Street Harassment

Ok, this isn't really related to the main themes of this blog, but I don't want to post under my real name as I don't want loved ones to worry unnecessarily.

Last night, while I was out jogging a car pulled over in front of me.  A man hopped out and asked me for directions.  While I was pulling up a map on my phone (he wasn't far from his destination, but it was a little hard to explain), he said:
Are you sure you need to lose weight?
I replied that I jog mostly for fun.  He went on:
Because you have a great arse.  Can I touch it?
Which he proceeded to  do, without waiting for a reply and forcing me to step away.  I tried to draw attention to the map and he pointed out that he had a huge erection. 

I said I had to get going because I had a long way left to jog, and took off, despite his protests that I stay.  He had clearly not paid any attention to the directions, because he caught up with me again a few blocks later (I'm trying not to think about what took him so long) and I pointed him down the street he needed without stopping.  He had already gotten out of his car again.

He turned down the right street this time and I changed my route a little so that I would be nowhere near his intended destination.  I haven't felt this disempowered for a long time (since the security guard for my office building was harassing me). I hate feeling this way, and part of me regrets not being more confrontational, but I genuinely feared for how he would react to that.  I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could.  At least the adrenaline meant I managed a fairly fast pace.