Friday, July 6, 2012

Saying Goodbye

I would really like to support this campaign, but I'm not sure I'm up to it.

Every time they tweet (@SayingGoodbyeUK) asking for retweets and support I feel a pang of guilt and scroll on. I have retweeted them once, but my twitter account is associated (indirectly) with my real me and my work officially still don't (and mustn't) know about my pregnancies and I'm not sure which friends know either.

I'm still worried about losing my job. Recently a colleague was promoted over me. He fucked it up and quit before he could be fired, and now I am left with cleaning up the mess. I'm pushing hard to be given the promotion, but they are coming up with every flimsy excuse they can and I don't want to give them a millimetre. It's worse because this is the second time this has happened in two years, but last time I was too broken from the first miscarriage to fight. If I give up now I can kiss my career goodbye.

I'm also struggling with a lot of people asking me if I have kids. I must finally be looking at that age. I don't want to have to answer questions sometimes, particularly not from acquaintances or strangers.

So I'm holding back from supporting this campaign. I want to help, but I don't think I'm up to doing anything in my own name. I wish I could think of something I could do anonymously.